Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Weekend wonders...

Along came saturday and thereofre a day with the mother. What we seem to do most saturday mornings is go down to our local boot sale and see what treasures we can find about. I have struck lucky many times before finding some awesome things...
[More Pictures to come soon...]
My vintage style typwriter <3
Sewing bits <3

And this week i found an adorable vintage bag, and got it for just £2! I love this little thing...

Also, randomly found an old lace making kit! Never tryed it before but thought it could be something interesting to attempt, so i will try it out sometime over the summer once college is finished for the year...i'll keep you updated!

After the boot sale and a lovely lunch with the mother we may have gone to a couple of shops where i may have accidently bought a few things...but i loved them so i couldnt help it!
Leopard print collar dress <3

Booootiful grey boots [on sale!] <3

Black lace top <3
LBD [needs small aleration - but loved it so couldnt help getting it for just £5!] <3

[More Pictures coming up later!]

Much love.
|||Miss Sairah Lou V.

A 'DAY' of print...

Destination - Luciene Day exhibition at Pallent House Gallery in Chichester.

Along with my fellow fashion students i went along to our local gallery to check out the Robin and Luciene Day exhibition. The work there was amazing, i mean i've seen her work many times before as images but to see it in person makes then that much more amazing.
Images to come soon....

Much love.
|||Miss V.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Life in Paper...

Here we go again...another new project.
This time it's independent, therefore we can choose what ever topic we like. I had no idea what to choose when we were told about he project so thought i would just get ready for the project by preparing a sketchbook for it. I came a cross and old music book whilst hunting the charity shops, fell in love with it and was struck by inspiration for my topic. So now i have a project topic; Music.

Updates to come soon......

Much love.
||| Sq.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

[Skull love.]

For my natural order project I have to create a 2 metre by 1 metre length of printed fabric, I have been experimenting with different print techniques and have settled on silk screen printing to use on my final piece. This is my silk screen design that I drew up...

I am keeping a simple colour palat for my wrok and will be printing this design with a basic grey/green colour onto white cotton. I have decided to encorperate a large skull image into my work and am going to topstitch this onto my fabric on the right hand side of my design. With this i am going to work into the skull with differetn techniques including applique and couching as well as using beading and buttons as surfact details. Heres some images of the making process....

[Images to be added later my dears...sorry I'm on the wrong computer!]

Much love
||| Miss Louise.